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Veneers in Fort Worth, TX

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Transform Your Smile With Just One Treatment!

Do you find yourself hiding your smile because you're self-conscious about imperfections? We see this so often when patients come in to see us looking for a way to improve their smiles. As a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Tracy Kirk offers you various treatment options to alter the appearance of your teeth, but her favorite is veneers. These thin shells can completely transform your smile without whitening, orthodontics, or extensive tooth preparation. They're flexible, durable and can be fully customized to YOUR mouth for an absolutely incredible result. 


Veneers are extremely thin shells made from porcelain that we bond directly to the surface of your teeth to disguise imperfections. Porcelain mimics the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth to give a very natural-looking result. 

What Issues Do They Address?

Misalignment & Gaps

Discoloration & Stains Resistant to Whitening

Chips & Cracks

Misshapen & Irregularly Sized Teeth

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